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Meet  Jordi


Jordi Mas   CFI, CPI

Wellness Consultant & Instructor


Specializing In:​

  • Neuromuscular Re-education

  • Stress Management

  • The Science & Art of Aging Well

  • Health & Lifestyle Coaching

  • Functional Movement & Exercise

  • Vitality & Quality of Life Coaching


Consulting & Instruction For:

  • Individuals

  • Businesses & Organizations

  • Movement & Exercise Instructors

  • Healthcare Practitioners

I truly love what I do. Since a young age I have been fascinated with the human body and how it moves and functions. After thirty years of working in Health and Fitness it is clear that I was always meant to do what I do, my destiny if you will. Being naturally empathic and highly sensitive allows me to feel, understand and empathize with my clients, especially when they are suffering, whether physically, mentally or spiritually. My job is to make people feel better, it is what I was designed to do. Clients regularly tell me that they feel better by simply being in my presence. Informed by years of study and experience I Intuitively see what is out of balance in people and what is necessary for them to rebalance and regain health and vitality.

"You can only become truly accomplished at something you love,  pursue the things you love doing and do them well."

Maya Angelou

"Follow your bliss."

Joseph Campbell

To excel professionally and be of maximum service and benefit to others it is vital to pursue one's innate curiosity, intuition and inspiration. Education is of maximum value when in service to all three. Following my own curiosity, intuition and inspiration has led to an education ranging from anatomy, biomechanics and physiology, to health and fitness, Pilates and yoga, physical rehabilitation and positive psychology, the Feldenkrais Method and somatic re-education, theology and spiritual wellbeing, and finally, putting it all together, overall quality of life. I have read, studied and learned not because I had to but because I wanted to. Along my journey of learning I discovered the traditional form of education known as apprenticeship. Apprenticeship provided access to the knowledge I most wanted to learn, knew would be of tremendous value to those I worked with and was difficult to find anywhere else. It's an an intimate educational process working directly with your mentor and requires not only study but "hands on" work and "real world" teaching as part of the curriculum. And, most importantly, I learned how to actually teach or, to put it more accurately, how to assist others to bring out their own innate intelligence and wisdom, the inborn guidance that is already inside them, they just don’t know it yet. As the brilliant Moeshe Feldenkrais said, “You can’t teach anyone anything, you can only create the conditions in which they can learn.” I have had the great fortune to work with amazing mentors and to learn so much with such diversity. I continue to be inspired to learn more and apply that learning to my teaching.

"I am only passionately curious."


"Imagination is more important than knowledge."


Albert Einstein


  • Strength Training & Body Sculpting

    • Elio Samame,  Elio’s Fitness for Success

  • Pilates - East and West Coast styles, Traditional & Contemporary Variations

    • Ivon Dahl, PhD,  International Pilates

  • Positive Psychology & Vitality Coaching

    • Dr. Mic Mackenzie, based on the work of clinical psychologist Martin Sage

  • World Religions, including: Hinduism, Buddhism, Advaita / Non-Duality, Chan, Taoism, Zen, & Christianity, Qigong, Meditation and Contemplation, Mindfulness, Positive and Pathological Psychology, Neurosciences, Medical Sciences, Sociology, Physics

    • ​George Falcon, Qigong Master



  • Personal Trainer: API (Aerobic Pipeline International)

  • Fitness & Spin Instructor: ISSA (International Sports Science Association)

  • Pilates Instructor - Reformer, Trap Table, Chair, Barrels & Mat: International Pilates


~ Fluent in Spanish

Areas of Inspiration, Study & Research


  • Physiology & Biomechanics

  • Functional Movement

  • The Feldenkrais Method

  • Neural Muscular Therapy

  • Palpation

  • The Evolutionary Sciences

  • Anaerobic / Strength Training

  • Functional Fitness

  • yoga

  • Injury Prevention

  • Immunology

  • Geriatrics

  • Neuromuscular Re-education / Somatics

  • Cranial Sacral Therapy

  • Bodywork / Massage

  • Defense Physiology

  • Aerobic / Cardiovascular Training

  • Body-weight Exercise

  • Sports Specific Training

  • Digestion & Assimilation / Gut Health

  • Endocrinology

  • Woman's Health

  • Death & Dying (including the work of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross)


  • Positive Psychology

  • Defense Physiology

  • Relaxation Response

  • Personality Typing

  • Anthropology

  • Philosophy

  • Meditation

  • Mindfulness

  • Cognitive & Behavioral Sciences

  • Limbic Functioning

  • Neurosciences
  • Sociology

  • Linguistics

  • Mythology

  • Contemplation

  • Conscious Relaxation


  • Physics

  • Big History

  • Cosmology

  • Chemistry


  • Hinduism

  • Buddhism

  • Taoism / Tao Te Ching

  • Teachings of Christ

  • The Diamond Sutra

  • Non-Duality

  • The work of Alan Watts

  • The teachings of Nisargadatta

  • Vedanta

  • Chan

  • Zen & Koans

  • Comparative World Religions

  • The Platform Sutra

  • The work of Joseph Campbell

  • The teachings of Ramana Maharishi: Self-Enquiry (Vicharasangraham) via the question “Who Am I?” (Nan Yar)

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